Sunday, April 25, 2010


1. I just found out I can use a little soysauce/tamari in my food.
2. cottage cheese is ok!
4. honey, and maple syrup in small amounts. is ok too.
3. did i mention soysauce?

oh and my boyfriend gave me a hicky on my forehead...It looks like a blue triangle and its been there for three days without fading.
I've warned him that in three months time, he will have hundreds all over his face.

yes the revenge will be sweet...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

DAY 10! 80 TO GO

Today has gone very well I ate all of my meals, and not much sugar or salt craving has been felt yet. Or..maybe just a little, but it all disappeared as I got the next meal into my tummy.

The exercises all went well, did the full sets and everything. The only exception was the incline pull-up, I just cant seem to be able to lift my bum of the ground. Is this normal?
I am also discovering the lack of choice norwegian sport stores have, as the resistance band I have seems to be to short at times, and there is not much other ones to choose from. Oh well, here i come

Also found out that my digital scale is of by 200g!
No wonder I thought I would eat myself to death yesterday, solved this with getting a nice and simple no digital one.

This is my breakfast today Skimmed milk and rye bread with avocado tomato and egg, a little lime and pepper to make it a little more interesting. Is avocado ok by the way?

For lunch i had Bulgur with, squash, red onion, steamed green beans, carrot and sweet potato with chicken and thyme.

yup !

And tomorrow i will start to bake my own bread.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 9

So now I'm here, where we are getting some real idea of what the pcp will be for us the next 10 and a half weeks.

Since last blog post, there has happened a lot. I was stuck in Berlin because of the angry Volcano,
so me and my mother had to travel home by train and ferry. This took two days, and did make the project a little more difficult to do. I missed two days
of exercising as we travelled all day, and it was unfortunately to late to do any exercising. I did notice though that the last two days before leaving, my body was starting to feel quite exhausted. So for once i did the minimum amount of every exercise, but still did them! I suppose this must be an effect of the half diet. I didn't even think I was that good at halving down the meals. Compared to what Im eating now it was nothing.

Anyways I'm home now and back in the routine.
Struggling a little with finding the perfect jump rope. Otherwise I'm getting things done, and strangely enough I'm still enjoying it! Even if its tough. The awesomeness of getting into the shower after a solid workout is niiiiiceee, almost slightly religious.

It's so nice to be home though, really missed the little shop around the corner.

So back to the
new meal plan.

Will I really be able to stuff all of that into my belly?

This is only some of what ive eaten today, there is more......
Not the most nice looking, awesome stuff but I guess my cooking skills will improve a lot.
Or so I hope.

Had a little bit to much fruit today, oh well.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day2 and 3 the glorified memories of sweetness

Im over my flu and actually enjoying the workouts very much, I find myself doing an extra set or two just for fun (is there something wrong with me, have I become a sadomasochist?). On the other hand I can really feel it in my legs and arms the day after, suppose that is a good sign? My arms are two weak to do a proper pushup yet, still on the knees. On a general note I just hope I'm doing all the excerizes correctly.

I'm also walking alot around town. Berlin is pretty big so there is a lot to see, and so much more fun to just walk than take the u/s bahn. When i get home I'm thinking of putting a big map over Oslo. then i will just close my eyes and throw a dart, then I will explore that area. maybe I could do this into a weekly activity.

Food: it's a little bit difficult to control the food atm, I try to take the smaller or healthier options instead. Today I did splurge a bit, I had an enormous craving for chocolate cake ( you hit the mark Patric in your last e-mail) and i succumbed into the gloriousness that is chocolate cake. Or so I thought......The strange thing is that the brain really glorifies the whole experience, before it has happened. After the first bite, I was a bit dissapointed. It just was not
as marvolous as I had thought it would be to indulge.

Dear Brain

You are such a deluded thing.
Stop playing tricks on me.

Best Regards
Hugs and kisses

-Maren (your master)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

1st day - a bit unlucky

At the moment I'm in Berlin hanging out with my mom for a short week, and it has been lovely.
I've had a bit of Murphys Law checking in on me, with the flu in my system, and a freakin angry volcano on Iceland that might hinder my journey home on saturday.

I have only done a small portion of the excersies, my body is feeling weak and not to alive at the moment. On the meals: I have cut it to half with no issues. It really helps meeting a poor old homeless guy with gangrene in his leg stinking up the whole cart. Death really kills the appetite.

Also done 15 min of meditation, reflecting on the stress i feel, just trying to feel the feeling without judging it or trying to make it go away.

On a lighter note I bought a pretty nice skipping rope, and I really want to get jumping soooon!

Pointing my thumbs up for tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's On!

This is where Maren's going to get Peaky!