Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 9

So now I'm here, where we are getting some real idea of what the pcp will be for us the next 10 and a half weeks.

Since last blog post, there has happened a lot. I was stuck in Berlin because of the angry Volcano,
so me and my mother had to travel home by train and ferry. This took two days, and did make the project a little more difficult to do. I missed two days
of exercising as we travelled all day, and it was unfortunately to late to do any exercising. I did notice though that the last two days before leaving, my body was starting to feel quite exhausted. So for once i did the minimum amount of every exercise, but still did them! I suppose this must be an effect of the half diet. I didn't even think I was that good at halving down the meals. Compared to what Im eating now it was nothing.

Anyways I'm home now and back in the routine.
Struggling a little with finding the perfect jump rope. Otherwise I'm getting things done, and strangely enough I'm still enjoying it! Even if its tough. The awesomeness of getting into the shower after a solid workout is niiiiiceee, almost slightly religious.

It's so nice to be home though, really missed the little shop around the corner.

So back to the
new meal plan.

Will I really be able to stuff all of that into my belly?

This is only some of what ive eaten today, there is more......
Not the most nice looking, awesome stuff but I guess my cooking skills will improve a lot.
Or so I hope.

Had a little bit to much fruit today, oh well.


  1. Glad you made it back! I am envious of your local fruit/veg stand.

  2. Don't sweat the two days. "Couldn't stay on plan due to VOLCANO" is the best excuse I've heard yet! Sounds like you're all set up for a good PCP now.

    Eat eat eat!

  3. That pasta dish looks delicious! What all is on top of the noodles?

  4. My favorite jump rope is from Dick's Sporting Goods, costs $9.99 and is a speed rope, so it's fast and smooth, unlike the leather or rope ones where they flail all about.
