Wednesday, May 26, 2010


so its been a while since last time I posted.
But I have got good news. Since last time, i feel like I have kicked my bad habits.
Dont have the same crazy craving for sugar anymore as I use to. FINALLY!
Also seems like I'm gaining control over the food plan. It does take a little while to figure out
what to bring a food for an 8 hour school day.

I have kept all doing all the exercises, only missed one day.
What happened was: was feeling pretty exhausted, so I did my jumpropes and tried to do the first exercise, but my body just would not agree with me. Otherwise thing have gone pretty smoothly. trying to observe my body, so that it is using the right mucles.

Ive been sticking to the program and I also feel like I am getting some results, but they are kind of slow. Not really lost much weight, but I´m thinking this might be because I have also gained a fair chunk of musclemass. So the body is looking better, but the fat has not yet left the building (or so it looks like). Before I weighed 62kg now im 59.5, so 1 1/2 kg. I´m hoping this will change soon. Maybe I should cut out all those avocados.

My exams are on, and it also starting to feel a bit challenging to get everything done, but I just try to push everything in.

Still in the game :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010



My boobs have gotten bigger, and they hang better on my frame then they used to.

i think the chestexercises are the ones to thank for this.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Where there is an end there is a beginning.

Long time now since i posted something.
this week has been strange, both good and bad.

Im starting to get tired of my diet, and found myself being uninspired and bored.
Bad thing really, becouse it makes bad habits sneek up on you. Yea I have been a naughty
girl. So.. Father I have sinned. I ate a bowl of sugared popcorn, and binged in on the sweet stuff.
Gluttony,lust and frenzy.

That will be 10 sets of 20 lunges for naughty girl.

*runs away screaming. Climbs up into the norwegian mountains, never to be seen again*

I also skipped two workout days, and trying to make amends I skipped last weeks "rest day".

I found a sport store that I can order the equipment that I need, as does not want to sell me any rubber bands of any sort. The one I have now is to short, so some of the excersises are difficult to do. Really happy to see that they are not in a bad price range either.

Also since i found myself getting a bit unotivated, decided to buy one of those fancy scales, but neither or wants to sell me any(becouse i live in norway, but sweden is for some reason ok). Thing is that a fancy weight costs around 81 to 129 dollars, and compared to the ones on amazon its pretty underwhelming. YA know if im gonna invest in some fancy bodyscanner, I want all the bells and whistles .
Probably dont need one, but i have always been curious about the body fat thing.

So to the skipping rope. We have about 5 different sport shop companys in this country, and they carry all the same stuff. I can only get hold of stayathomemom brand casall and nike. I have the nike one and it tangles to easily, so i trip all the time.

But these have all mostly been fixed, since i found this online store in norway.

I also found one fancy omron weight ridiculously priced on a webpage similar to craiglist, they had orderd quite a large number of them. Sounded a bit to good to be true, so googled their company name and they look decent.

So if you dont hear from me in two weeks time, what probably has happened is I have been put in a crate shipped of to China and forced to sell my kidney.

Now Im trying to review this week, and figure out how next week can be more fluent.

On a more personal note, a friend of mine hanged himself , leaving his 1 year old kid and wife behind. pretty sad stuff. He was a truly unique guy, had been living on and of the streets , had managed to get his life in order, pursued his photography and didnt give a f*** about what other people thought about it. And then he just killed himself.

He was also an actor and script writer
he plays the lead role in a movie called lullaby written with Margareth Olin.

the movie can be found here :

It's similar to the likes of christiane f, movies about teenagers struggling with drugs and prostitution. Not a happy go lucky movie but still one of the more interesting ones on the topic.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

All sympathy to nearly beheaded finger can be given here.

At the request from Patric , I present you the aftermath of a cleaned up damaged finger.

Lesson to absorb: check that all body-parts have entered your apartment completely before slamming the door shut.

How boring! You must be thinking, as
it does not look to bad on the picture. I can promise you that it was all blue and black before the nail was punctured.

If not enough visual pain has been experiencedthrough this post, please check out this youtube video of a man doing it alpha male style with a drill. YUM!

Wow 20 days almost(in two days), Im pretty proud of myself.

Short summary:
- Done all exercises and full sets.

- Eaten almost all my meals. Getting better at this though, and more efficent managing the time it takes to cook all this food.
- Actually starting to feel I'm doing the exercise correctly , feeling the burn in the correct places etc.
- Almost no issues with eating the new diet, I've had some weak moments but i took a spoon of honey and a ritz cracker and it disappeared.

- Really annoyed by norwegian sport stores. All the shops have the same equipment from the same manufacturer and its crap. No choice whatsoever, i feel like i'm living in a soviet country.
- Did some exploring of Oslo with Max. We pinpointed oscars gate on the map and walked the whole street from beginning to end. Lots of embassies and wedding cake building, fat cats and backyard cafe's with bad taste in art. I'm thinking I might change this into my activity instead.

I also managed to smash my finger today. I'm such a clumsy geek! Had to drill a hole in it with a red hot needle to relive the pressure, more blood than I have seen in a Fellini movie. Ok I am exaggerating a bit, now the adrenaline is kicking in. Go Me!

Oh! and to all my teammates and Patric. thank you so much for supportive comments and good suggestions on equipment, it's appreciated.

Remember we are soon 20 days into this project, we have completed 1/5 of the journey, thats an accomplishment!