Sunday, May 2, 2010

All sympathy to nearly beheaded finger can be given here.

At the request from Patric , I present you the aftermath of a cleaned up damaged finger.

Lesson to absorb: check that all body-parts have entered your apartment completely before slamming the door shut.

How boring! You must be thinking, as
it does not look to bad on the picture. I can promise you that it was all blue and black before the nail was punctured.

If not enough visual pain has been experiencedthrough this post, please check out this youtube video of a man doing it alpha male style with a drill. YUM!


  1. Nasty! I watched Zombieland last night and this may have been worse!!!

  2. Poor finger! But hey, you can still do lunges, right?

  3. PCP: Whatever does not kill you makes you stronger!
