Wednesday, May 26, 2010


so its been a while since last time I posted.
But I have got good news. Since last time, i feel like I have kicked my bad habits.
Dont have the same crazy craving for sugar anymore as I use to. FINALLY!
Also seems like I'm gaining control over the food plan. It does take a little while to figure out
what to bring a food for an 8 hour school day.

I have kept all doing all the exercises, only missed one day.
What happened was: was feeling pretty exhausted, so I did my jumpropes and tried to do the first exercise, but my body just would not agree with me. Otherwise thing have gone pretty smoothly. trying to observe my body, so that it is using the right mucles.

Ive been sticking to the program and I also feel like I am getting some results, but they are kind of slow. Not really lost much weight, but I´m thinking this might be because I have also gained a fair chunk of musclemass. So the body is looking better, but the fat has not yet left the building (or so it looks like). Before I weighed 62kg now im 59.5, so 1 1/2 kg. I´m hoping this will change soon. Maybe I should cut out all those avocados.

My exams are on, and it also starting to feel a bit challenging to get everything done, but I just try to push everything in.

Still in the game :)

1 comment:

  1. School day/Work day - same challenge. I cook all my protein and carbs, and boil all my eggs at once and then portion it out throughout a 4-6 day period. Separate container for lunch and snacks. Tiny nalgene cup for my yogurt. It's my penchant for efficiency and laziness I suppose.
